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发布时间:2019-04-16    访问热度:

主讲人: 许传炬 教授、博士生导师

报告题目:Spectral Methods for Some Problems Having Low Regularity Solutions




摘要:In this talk we will present a new spectral method fora class of equations with non-smooth solutions. The proposed method makes use of the fractional polynomials, also knownas Muntz polynomials. We first present some basic approximation properties of the Muntz polynomials, including error estimates for the weighted projection and interpolation operators. Then we will show how to constructefficient spectral methods by using the Muntz polynomials.A detailed convergence analysis will be provided.The potential application of this method coversa large number of problems, including classical elliptic equations,integro-differential equations with weaklysingular kernels, fractional differential equations, and so on.


许传炬教授,1982年厦门大学数学系本科毕业,1988-1989年获巴黎南大学计算数学硕士学位- 1989 -1993年或巴黎第六大学理学博士学位。研究方向:偏微分方程数值解、微分积分方程数值解、计算流体力学、计算材料等;2000年起受聘厦门大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师。2008年起受聘厦门大学闽江特聘教授;在国际期刊上发表论文40多篇,主持、承担或参加过的各类重大科研项目30多项,任多个学术杂志编委;已经培养博士10多名,硕士20多名
