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学术预告:On Knapsack Problems

发布时间:2024-07-17    访问热度:

报告题目:On Knapsack Problems

主 讲 人:张国川教授,浙江大学




报告摘要:Knapsack is one of the fundamental problems in combinatorial optimization. It aims to select a subset of items, each is associated with a weight and a size, such that the total size of the items is upper bounded by a budget, and the total weight is maximized. Knapsack as well as its variants has been extensively studied for decades. There are still quite a few algorithmic issues to be settled for the classical model, while more and more challenging Knapsack-like problems are coming. In this talk, we will briefly introduce our recent work on the old and new Knapsack problems.

简介: 张国川,浙江大学教授,中国运筹学会副理事长。1995年毕业于中科院应用数学所,获得运筹学博士学位。曾获德国洪堡基金,在基尔大学和弗莱堡大学合作研究。法国INPG、日本京都大学和加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学访问教授。研究兴趣包括组合优化近似算法、在线算法和算法机制设计。目前担任Annals of Operations Research, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Journal of Scheduling, Journal of Operations Research Society of China等刊物编委,国际会议New Challenges in Scheduling Theory 组织者之一,ISAAC顾问委员会委员和COCOON指导委员会委员。
